Do you know who helped Billy Graham to discover his gifting in preaching? Who helped Benny Hinn to move in the supernatural healing gifts of God? Who was instrumental in shaping the life of Mother Theresa?
The three Christian servants are well known for their service to humanity. Billy Graham preached to millions and saw great numbers of salvations. He was used by God to stir up faith within the body of Christ to believe in evangelism. Benny Hinn preached salvation and healing. Many wonderful miracles were released in his meetings. He was an inspiration to many in the healing power of God. Mother Theresa was an icon of Christian love. When the world looked for an icon for love, they turned to the wrinkled face of Mother Theresa. She was well known to the whole world as a nun who served the poorest of the poor, those whose lives were least valued.
While these are the servants of God, I wonder if you have ever paused to think of the many who obeyed the prompting of God, and came to inspire them, to guide them, to affirm them, to correct them, to release them into God’s wonderful destiny for their lives. These are the unsung heroes of God in His kingdom. These are the many who served not in limelight but simply for His delight. These are the unknown faces of the multitudes, some who are now among the many witnesses in heaven cheering us on, some who are still here on earth, motivating us on to finish our race heavenward in Christ.
These, are God’s “Stepping Stones”.
They came to serve God by lifting us up on a higher plane so that we could see God and reach out for His destiny in our lives. They are happy just to be that step which we could step on to reach our higher destination. They are not known, not remembered, not around when we reach the next level. They could be our primary school teachers, our Sunday school teachers, our seniors, our parents and most definitely our youth pastors!
To many, the term “Stepping stones” is not a nice description to describe people who have mattered in our lives. It gives a negative connotation that they have been used for our selfish gain. But yet in a sense, every mentor, disciple-maker, youth worker ARE Stepping Stones. They came and allowed us to step on them to reach our highest potential (not selfish gain).
As I turn 40, after serving God for more than 14yrs in full-time ministry as a pastor, I feel it is time to pen down my thoughts to thank the many stepping stones of God in my life as well as those in the lives of many of you out there. They deserve our appreciation!