Monday, June 26, 2006

Miracle Catch and G12

We are thankful to the God for the experience of miracle catch. as a church, we saw 33% increase in total attendence, we saw more salvations than last MOL in december 05, etc.

But i agreed with the poem from our tribe, this is just THE BEGINNING. we need to be good parents to the new converts. we need to go beyond these new converts and continue our sacred tasks of making disciples and not counting decisions.

In fact, i am appreciating more of the call to make disciples and see every harvesting events as ways to increase the pool for discipleship. Thus, leaders and members, if you are reading this blog, return back to lead your group/people to Jesus. Send them to consolidation. Pray real hard that they encounter Jesus. Help them to grow under your care and through the LOS. Fast and lay hold of God till they become leaders/disciples in God.

Don;t waste time, we have only 5 more months to see the growth God desired to bless us. Go and make disciples!!

1 comment:

  1. The G12 vision has brought new and lasting fire upon our church. We are also seeing the greatest (so far) number of people getting saved and encountering the Lord. Thank God... We are reaching the nations for Jesus!
