I find myself explain this very often. Thus i decided to blog this for all my readers. Life is not complicated! This means that Life is not so intertwined that we cannot make sense or meaning out of it. Life is complex! This means that life is interrelated to other factors of life. But because Life is interrelated, it can be untangled. Let me illustrate with "body soul and spirit". Our body can influence our soul eg if you are sick, you can feel down and depressed. This can happen the other way around too. Thus, by sleeping, you can untangle depression within. While sleeping (physical) is not directly related to emotion (arena for depression), the physical dimension of our lives can bring wholeness to our emotional dimension of life. Thus, when dealing with life, make sure you are not compromising Physical, Emotional, Intellectual and Spiritual dimensions of life. They are all interrelated and thus bring complexity to your life. But if you are not developing them systematically, you will be able to live life simply. it is that SIMPLE.
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