We came we saw we conquered. As a family!(italic mine)
It was indeed a faith stretching exercise for me and my tribe to attempt this challenge.
Out of the 39 of us who attempted, 34 summitted (1 summitted at the 8km mark. we counted him because he could have made it to the top if not for the closing timing)
2 sisters chose not to go, apart from some physical conditions, did so to take care of the others. Their actions spoke volume of love to us. Not forgetting Cindy and Nicole who chose to come and stayed at the Park Ranger’s office to pray for the entire team as well.
Lessons learnt;
1 The Pleasure of God was what we sought throughout the trip. We lived out our professed love for one another throughout the challenge. We did so because we wanted His pleasure to be with us. Many carried the load of others to empower them to move one more step literally.
2 The Passion of God kept us going even at the toughest moment. At the final ascend, every step was met with great physical constraint – it remembered us of Jesus on His road to Calvary hill. Ours climb is nothing compared to His.
3 The Plans of God must be what we live for! Beyond Mt K, we need to conquer the rest of mountains He has in store for all of us. Conquering Mt K is only a physical rehearsal to the actual “mountains” in our lives. We need to press on and transfer the learning; the assurances of God, the power of family love, into our daily walk within God’s plan.
4 The Power of God’s love is what we really need! We need to go beyond living out our professed love, we need to strengthen our motivation to love. I realised while we can act on LOVE to one another…but our motivation could be weak or superficial. It is easier to show love by doing something for others, but it takes another level of love to honestly loving someone in our hearts. I believe God is showing me some cracks in the family love and that I need to repent (on their behalf) and return to model genuine love (to my 12 and 144).
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