Standing outside the packed hall, among the cars, singing praises to God.
The hall was packed with pastors, believers and people in authority.

I was moved in my spirit as i worshipped the Lord under the sky. Thanking God for the home-going of one of the great saint of God i know.

I was moved in my spirit as i worshipped the Lord under the sky. Thanking God for the home-going of one of the great saint of God i know.
I came to know Rev Henry Khoo back in the '80. It was when Jackie Pullinger came to minister to FCBC and requested to visit the Changi Prison. I was blessed to be among the small group that went with her and met Henry. The meeting marked the beginning of my involvement with Prison and Prisoners. And since i was serving the Campus and Combat Ministry then, i focused on the detention barrack for the soldiers.
Then in 2000's, my wife and i visited Henry to discuss on how we could really serve the prisoners. He led us to serve the Changi Woman Prison. The rest was history.
But through those times, Henry had come across to both jo and i as a very humble man despite his wealth of experiences and seniority in ministry.
He never made us feel small or inexperienced in his presence. He encouraged us all through the times we served the prisoners.
Queuing through the throngs of people, i heard many ex-prisoners recalling their encounters with Henry and how special they felt when he baptised them. Personally i felt the crowd to be very different. Different in that all who came had been personally blessed and touched by God through the very personal ministry of Henry. Not that he was not a popular preacher but it was his personal time with people that left a deep impression and impact. it was so for both jo and i.
Thank you Henry!
For giving to the Lord! We have been blessed by your life!
Your support through your listening ears,
Encouraged us through the years.
Your humble disposition,
Disarmed all confusion.
Your fatherly smile,
Brought strength to go another mile.
Your unswerving commitment to love the prisoners,
Reflected Jesus' love to the commoners.
Your life is indeed a legacy,
For all generation to see.
Thank you Henry!
I have been blessed by your life story!
May more "Henry"s rise to your shoes,
Even if we don't know who
To continue to love the unlovable,
To show us it is possible,
For in Christ we will always be able!
Have a blessed rest in Him.

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