My God reigns!
This truth meant a lot more during this season of my life. I enjoyed affirming this truth during the worship session at City Harvest Church. Somehow, God used this truth to prepare me for the message to come.
My God is greater! My God is over all!
i was invited this week to attend the saturday service with Elim. She hosted my family throughout the service and dinner. Thank God for friends like her.
Ps Kong reminded us to find HOPE in God during this finanical crisis. We must not allow the media and news to cause anxiety to fill our hearts. we must continue to trust in Elohim.

And in Gen 1, we will be reminded that He is a creator God - Elohim.
God's desire is for us to move beyond heal me-feed me-encourage me - mentality to one of an overcomer through God's creative power.
It was a timely challenge for me to move beyond trusting God for His provision to using His provision to generate miracles for God.

Also, i must learn to be creative in my stewardship of God's provision of contacts, connections, competency, cash. I must use them to demonstrate what a great God He is.
i am glad that God has been speaking weekly (even daily) to me during this painful period. Paiinful because i am not really letting go of my rights and past. His Word has been a great encouragement to my soul.
The secret to experiencing God:
Build His altar
Bless my family
Be connected in His work/call for me.
By His grace, i WILL!

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