Be a 4th dimension man!
You will not be limited by the lack of resources.
You will not be limited by the support of man.
You will not be limited by the constraint of time.
This was essentially the theme of Ps Kong's message this week. We were reminded of the power of positive words, pictures and even feelings over water and crystal (the work of Prof Emoto).
Ps Kong brought us to examine the scripture on how visual can impact the type of youngs produced by the flocks. Jacob brought the flocks to the place whereby he had prepared with branches which revealed both the white and stripes. And when they drank and mated in front of the branches. they bore youngs which were speckled or spotted (Gen 30:39).
Such is the power of visual impact on the lives of the flocks.
He challenged us to focus on the 2 branches - the cross!
Thus, there is a need for us to think, speak and feel good about what we ask of God. We must not ask in fear or doubt. We must not pray just against bad things; we ended thinking bad things.
I learnt to move in faith again.
I must pray believing and expecting the best from God; He desires the best for my life.
I must not doubt that.
Application - I must move into the 4th dimension. I must not be logical or rational in the realm of the spirit. I must dare ask again - Make My Life A Miracle!
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