Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A fresh perspective

Much has been said about the financial crisis and recession. Retrenchment and more bad news abound. How should a believer response in times such as this?

I believe this is the best time for the gospel message.
Beginning with believers, we must anchor our hope in God.

Even if we are part of the retrenchment group, we must believe God that it is His sovereign act to move us to somewhere BETTER.

Life is simple. But not simplistic. We must not treat retrenchment as “suai” or bad luck and being spared from retrenchment as “lucky” or “God is good”. We need to see that whatever life brings to us, it is still within God’s perfect will for our lives. We, owe it to God and ourselves, to understand His ways and agenda for us. God is always GOOD regardless of what happens to us.

Meanwhile, we need to counter the trend and be truly light and salt in this challenging time.
- Instead of playing safe with our money and resources, GIVE! Give to those who are in need.
- Instead of focusing on personal needs, self preservation, LOVE! Love is demonstrated and not just with mere words.
- Instead of being fearful, FAITH! Faith to step out and usher in the greater thing He will do in and through us!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Leadership Perspective - a new understanding

Segment 9: Leadership within a learning community

This segment reading started with Stronk and Bloomberg reminding us the type of leadership needed in school planning. We need to put in place a certain rhythm in ensuring that everyone involved in the process and not “top down”. The suggested framework is very useful especially the emphasis for total involvement, team building and putting peers together in the teaching and learning journey.

The leadership function continues beyond the planning to shaping a covenantal learning communities as learning had been structured to a private and personal journey in most schools. The ingredients of covenant learning community ie need for vision, atmosphere of love and trust and ethos of leadership for service are important focus for the leadership to emphasis and work on to ensure that school can be transformed into such learning communities.

With postmodernity, leadership is evermore needed to bring about changes “because of the human carving for stability especially on the part of those in power positions and those who benefit most from the existing order, nothing will give way in the fabric of existing institutions until the strife and discontent build beyond some threshold” (Lambert, 2004). Leadership in this brave new postmodern world demands that we encourage our learning communities to play with ideas and pray for grace to be faithful in obedience to the heavenly vision, whether as maverick or monk.

And to do so effectively and refreshingly, leaders must make time for self care. The ability to “make time” or time management is very well explained by Rush. He reminded us that “Time is our most important resource. It cannot be saved or stored. It can only be used.” And we must use it intentionally to ensure that our lives are moving toward the God given mandate as followers, leaders and teachers. Brain explained how the importance of self care can benefit pastors. Leaders can share in the benefit too as schooling is very much the same as ministry in that both are very people intensive and Godward focus.

Servgiovanni ended this segment reminding us that context played a key role in deciding whether certain approaches to leadership will be effective or not. There is a real danger of blind adoption of past successful model into the school context.
School needs special leadership and that could be found in moral leadership framework because it emphasises bringing diverse people into a common cause by making the school a covenantal community. Leadership in such context is neither hierarchical nor interpersonal but cognitive which draws its authority from shared goals, purposes, values, commitments and other ideas that provide the basis for followership. Linking leadership directly to the construction of meaning, facilitation of learning and the development of collective responsibility links leadership directly to the lifeworlds of schools. That is very important as it helps to achieve the balance of having the lifeworld driving the systemsworld of school.

Finally the leadership within the learning community needs to be ethical lest it becomes manipulation rather than empowering and enabling.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Reviews on my study notes

Rush – time management; a biblical approach

Will Rogers
It is not so much what you do each day – it is what you get done that counts.
Eph 5:15-16 – be very careful, then, how you live, not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.
Dawson Trotman
The greatest time wasted is the time getting started.

All agree that time is to be used and not wasted.

2 What is time?
Time is the passing of life.
Problems managing time is actually a reflection of problems managing our lives.
What you are and what you possess are the result of how you have used the time allotted to you.
All of us have the same amount of time – the difference is on how we use the time we have.
The secret to time management is how we use the 60min in every hour wisely.

3 Time robbers - Activities that take us away living purposefully.
Identify personal time robbers and systemically work at eliminating them.

4 How to identify your personal time robbers?
- time management is unglamourous hard work; most of us are unwilling to pay the price to work on it.
- using the time inventory sheet
Be specific in recording activities ; vague statement will not help.
Deal with controllable and uncontrollable time
Controllable; work at eliminating them
Uncontrollable; factor unscheduled time slot into our weekly plan

5 How to set priorities
Learning to set priorities is one of the most important and difficult aspect of effectively managing one’s time
We need to deter our emotion from interfering with reality.

6 Avoid the activity trap
Part of the problem can be traced to the activity trap which gets people involved in numerous tasks that do not contribute to the predetermined goal or objective.
Many Christian leaders work from morning till night but they never seem to get the important things done.
Mary and Martha – Lk 10:38-42
- Overlook what is important
- Unaware that she had lost sight of the goal
- Criticised other
- Busy activities produced stresses and tension which stimulate more activity

We must eliminate activities that make little or any contribution to our goal.

7 How to stay on schedule?
- develop priorities and communicate them
- learn to say “no” to things that do not contribute to goal
- maintain a high level of commitment to managing your time

The greater the priority the more frequent the need to say no.
We cannot meet all the needs of all people at all times.
We must focus on the most important things God has planned and called us to do.
Time management is not about schedule but accomplishing established life goals and priorities.

8 The important role of timing
The effective use of time consists of doing what God wants at the time He wants it done.

9 Time is our most important resource. It cannot be saved or stored. It can only be used.

10 CSL’s thoughts
I have only 1 life; total amount of time given from God to me.
I must live intentionally to fulfil His purpose and calling in my life.
I need to identify the time robbers in my life and eliminate them.
DO not give in to soulish excuses.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

G12 and me

Someone asked me if i am still for G12 since i left FCBC.
My answer is yes!
Yes in that i affirm the principles which i have observed in my times with the G12 movement.
I made a trip to Bogota in 1999 with KC, EL and PW. We were impressed with what we had observed. Together with KC, we implemented some principles we observed into the district. We put in place our own version of encounters and equipping track. i had one of my zone pastors, then, to pilot the full G12 principles in his zone. We saw tremondous growth in that zone. As a whole, the district benefitted from the process too. We emphasised on Prayer, Deliverance and Equipping. But i did not implement the structure as i was waiting for FCBC to make an official position in regards to G12.
In 2001, i made another trip with the FCBC team to Bogota.

There are many good aspect of G12 that i would like to highlight ie permanence of discipleship relationship, releasing of woman into ministry, intentional discipleship, etc.

But as in all changes, there would be mistakes or over-simplistic approaches which compromised the overall intent of G12. And i believe the leadership in FCBC will continue to refine the process.

What about me?
I have always believe in discipleship since my conversion. i was properly followup by the Navigators in Singapore Poly in the '80. And in the process, was encouraged to find a home church to settle in.

Even now, as i enjoy my sabbatical and visit churches, i am studying to deepen my foundation so that i could be involved in discipleship again.

My mission is to develop a team of people who could continue to make disciples for the glory of God.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

For Isabel - to share our beijing memories

the 2 friends

the 4 friends

the 2 friends again

the cool guy

Rachel with the wonderful hostess. Rachel trying to catch up with her piano lesson. haha.

Friday, December 12, 2008

What is your Passion? Dream? Calling?

What is your passion? Your dream? Your destiny?

I have been asking people these questions. And I have been helping people to uncover the answers to these questions for themselves.

Then recently, I realised that I have “lost” my own answer!

When I was asked of these questions recently, I could not really articulate an appropriate answer. I could give an answer to satisfy the questioner or even myself for a while. But deep inside, I realised I have “lost” my answer.

I began to do what I did with others ie listing down all my thoughts and interest, past encounters with God, interesting experiences in life etc. All were well placed before me…but I just could not make sense of them ie I could not find the “voice” that unite them all.

Then… my quiet moment with God……..He helped me to sort out all the questions. I realised that all through the years, I had buried my calling and passion through the “good works” that I was doing. I had tried to “position” my answer to suit the various platforms and works I was involved that, unknowingly, I lost my “voice”.

In that sacred moment with God, I found my voice again.
I found my calling afresh!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

more pictures

Driving past the Olympic Stadium

Buying chestnuts from the roadshow...don't eat while it is hot!

corridor of the world longest art gallery

Great Wall (view from Mutian Yu)

Taking a picture facing the sun...haha tough.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Hoilday Pictures

Queuing for tickets at Mutian for Ropeway to top of Great Wall.

Attention! Security!

The Largest LCD screen in the world. This is about 100m long screen at the ceiling...what a sight!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Holiday in Beijing

I give thanks to God for this special holiday. it was very special because God provided the means, family enjoyed ourselves very much, blessed by friends who cared.

I have selected some pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Learning from last weekend conference

Learning from the Global Social Innovation Forum 2008
There are many nuggets of wisdom that I would like to pen down both for myself and my fellow comrades in this journey of life.

1 The need to question the status quo. Pamela Hartigan liked to use the word “unreasonable” to challenge us to be “discontented” with what has been reasonable in standards etc. Only discontented people can push the existing boundary. She also challenged the use of the word “empower”. She felt that we could only provide the means and opportunity for people to choose. And in choosing, people are empowered. We cannot possibly empower people directly.

2 Jet LI gave a very interesting perspective on why we should give back to the society. He highlighted that the 2 chapters of life ie from birth to 10yrs old and the remaining 10yrs of one's life, we need people to care and support us. Thus the remaining middle portion of our lives, we should care and support others. That is what essentially being human means. Compassion and good works must not be a result of hype or loud promotion, it must stem from within every human being ie our nature to give back. I am impressed with his insight of life and commitment to change the world through his foundation. I only lament that we are not seeing much from the Christian world. The world is needful of such people who are not afraid of personal loss in exchange for global change. They would use all within their means to impact society. We must challenge the next generation of believers to do likewise…It is time for the light and salt to shine and influence!

3 Robert Chua, media owner, made an interesting insight about the media in the future. He shared that it would be about cross platform ie we could see “live” input from internet to media content to media programming. It is not about just 1 medium anymore. People are seeking “live” infoentertainment. Also he felt that mass media should be responsible to educate and entertain and not promote wrong habits and values and fear. Very refreshing voice in the media world.

4 Claire Chiang lamented that despite the mammoth growth in wealth, there is no change in the quality of life around the world. There is something fundamental wrong in the way business are run. She predicted that future jobs must have both the motivation of money and meaning to attract and retain Gen X and Y workforce. I cannot agree more!

5 Zainudin reminded us the future of high technology. We could be seeing nano and super nano technology that would allow technology to be implanted into human. The pages of Revelation are coming to past.

6 Amit shared that while youth is lacking in experience and knowledge, youth could start with building relationship and networking.

7 CSL - How to start a SE?
Identify our passion, concerns, interest or even skills.
Clarify purpose and mission; SE is one possible outcome.
Assume a possible attitude for change; attitude is everything
Develop business model for sustainability; details determine destiny
Craft a pitching approach
Engage stakeholders
Take the 1st step!

8 Personal Applications
- Read “Doing good doing well” by willie cheng
- Research on global needs ie Clinton initative and high noon
- Reason the need for YOUTHSOUL – giving the soul to the youth through challenging them to believe God to MAD

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Busyness is a sin!

Eugene Peterson made this bold claim in one of his books.
This statement stuck in my mind for a long time because I struggled with its touch on my weakness ie busyness. I was very busy for a long time ie balancing 3 different jobs at 1 time.

What is wrong with busyness?
It robs God of our worship!

We can be busy with serving God that we missed Him out totally in the picture.
We can be doing this and that for Him and yet losing our affection for Him.
We can be integrating all we want and it is not worship if He is not central in our focus.

Worship is when we give due recognition and attention to Him.

In Deut, we are reminded that God called to Pharaoh to “set My people free…that they may worship Me”. This call was given to Pharaoh at least 7 times ie depending on your version of the bible.

In NASV, “worship” is also translated into “serve”. This helps to clarify that worship is more than singing songs from Hillsongs. It is about living a life of service to the King ie in the labour of our hands, meditation of our mind, expression of our bodily means (vocal, hands, body etc).

In these times of financial meltdown, natural disaster, wars and rumour of wars, we are forced to recognise that we are living in the LAST DAYS. We must not live as per normal. We must ask “what are we busy with?”. We must take time to reflect and worship God afresh.

Someone said that the only constant thing in life is change.
I disagreed!
The only constant in life is GOD.
He changes NOT.
All the changes in this world is actually part of the bigger work of God to draw men back to Himself, to worship Him.

Remember – busyness is sin!
Time to rework your schedule.
Put in time for worship!