3 important points to note:

If you do not engage your youth to do something for the cell or church, you are denying them the chance to feel part of the family. Just think of the 1st time you are give responsibility at home and school (carry text books for teachers, etc) and how that made you feel good. It is a very normal human need – the need to be able to contribute. And when they can see themselves doing something, they feel more for the group or thing. Of course, in SL language, the task must be age appropriate bearing in mind their competence too.
2. Is coming to church because of friend is wrong?
Of course NOT!
We should be the walking signboard for God. If you are not one of the reasons why people come to church, you need to check your life. We are called to be witnesses for Him. We are His ambassadors, we are His fleshy representations to the lost world. People are drawn to God because of the messenger first. So we need to ensure our lives are clear reflection for God. Meanwhile, it is normal for some new members or even non Christians come to church because of you and your members. There is absolutely nothing wrong in that. Of course, over time, we need to build into their lives so that they come because of God…we should not be too idealistic that people come just because of the unseen God. They all need to see God in you.

Most of our members are very free and not engaged in church. That is because they are NOT in the vision of discipling someone. They are not in the G12 vision.
Our defective discipleship. We are not producing the RIGHT kind of disciples. We are not producing well because we are growing well. We are all consumed by our life pressing issues, which are legitimate, but neutralised our effectiveness to be a fruitful vine. We need to return to God and cry for a renewed passion to make disciples again.
Go for 12 and not settle with the few you have in your cell. Make them disciple-makers and not just mere cell members
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