Monday, August 18, 2008

Reflection on youthwork

This week, I want to share about the important of involving the youth and young people in your cell. I counselled a member and she shared that she finally felt part of FCBC because she was involved in TYL project. Through volunteering, she came to know more members of FCBC, SJ tribe etc. and THAT made she feel belonged. Yet interestingly, she wondered if she was being canal because her sense of belonging was due to people / friends.

3 important points to note:

1. The importance of involvement
If you do not engage your youth to do something for the cell or church, you are denying them the chance to feel part of the family. Just think of the 1st time you are give responsibility at home and school (carry text books for teachers, etc) and how that made you feel good. It is a very normal human need – the need to be able to contribute. And when they can see themselves doing something, they feel more for the group or thing. Of course, in SL language, the task must be age appropriate bearing in mind their competence too.

2. Is coming to church because of friend is wrong?
Of course NOT!
We should be the walking signboard for God. If you are not one of the reasons why people come to church, you need to check your life. We are called to be witnesses for Him. We are His ambassadors, we are His fleshy representations to the lost world. People are drawn to God because of the messenger first. So we need to ensure our lives are clear reflection for God. Meanwhile, it is normal for some new members or even non Christians come to church because of you and your members. There is absolutely nothing wrong in that. Of course, over time, we need to build into their lives so that they come because of God…we should not be too idealistic that people come just because of the unseen God. They all need to see God in you.

3. G12 vision
Most of our members are very free and not engaged in church. That is because they are NOT in the vision of discipling someone. They are not in the G12 vision.
Our defective discipleship. We are not producing the RIGHT kind of disciples. We are not producing well because we are growing well. We are all consumed by our life pressing issues, which are legitimate, but neutralised our effectiveness to be a fruitful vine. We need to return to God and cry for a renewed passion to make disciples again.
Go for 12 and not settle with the few you have in your cell. Make them disciple-makers and not just mere cell members

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Dear family,
I will like to start a new series of reflection ie purely on youtwork. Between ps jo and I, we have more than 40yrs of youthwork experiences. It will be poor stewardship for us NOT to share or teach all of you our beloved in the Lord.
Yet in doing so, I must be careful not to lock your learning into our times and context.
AS such, I will try and distill our experiences into Principles as much as I can for your application in your context.

In this 1st reflection, I will like to draw on 2 counselling experiences recently to highlight my learning;

1 Dealing with sexual temptation
It is normal for us to see our youth struggle in their sexual attraction with their partners. If they are not sexually attracted, I will be of great concerned – because we are created as sexual beings.
The correct perspective is to see this as necessary process to develop the fear of God in them. They must not run away from us because of this struggle (have not sinned) and sin (when they aroused one another intentionally). The temptation to run from us or God is the scheme of the devil to condemn them further through self pity and further sinning. God’s grace is always more than enough for us.
The priority in ministering to youth in this journey, is to inspire them to consider God’s destiny for their lives. They need to know that they are created for GREAT thing because God is Great. Despite of their sins and struggles, God can use them if they are willing to return and repent. The way I find that helps is the way of God. When I was younger, and struggled more with sexual temptation, I did not see God condemned me and sentenced me to uselessness in Christendom. Rather, I was shown grace – I was accepted, I was loved, I was affirmed, I was given the joy to serve….
How could I deny such GRACE through our sins….Grace melted my hearts and I was changed.
Thus, when we help couples over these areas, draw them to focus their energy/passion towards serving God and seeking God’s destiny (which is both doing and being; there is no clear separation).

2 Dealing with discipline
I was shocked by how some leaders react violently to discipline of words of rebuke or correction. They reacted with bad attitude and improper manner towards leadership.
Their actions only further revealed a lack of character. Remember we are in character formation and not behavioural modification. As such, I will like us to grow in this when we are corrected by leadership. Accept the correction and see if there are areas of change. Acceptance is not necessary equal to agreement. You can accept and change because you are accountable to God over your action towards leadership. Yet there is nothing stopping you in praying for wisdom to understand the purpose of God over the situation that you cannot agree with. In all things in life, we need more than knowing the facts or truth (theory) …we need to grow in understanding.

SO when you are corrected unreasonably by leadership, accept it and seek to be understanding.

3 Dealing with accountability with youth; speed and reminders
In working with youth, we need to know that they do have a lot of time; more than you think. They can sleep much lesser than us, doing msn, surfing, gaming, etc. Thus, everyday is a full 24hrs availability for things that matters to them eg BGR, interest and hobby and study. While this is not true for us, working adults have a lot more other things to do etc, it will NOT be prudence to respond to youth ONLY at your convenience or preference. If there is a need for accountability, call them immediately or asap and not when you can. If they are thinking about someone or doing something foolish, don’t wait till you can. Do it asap or regret knowing they have done the very thing you know they should NOT. Thus SPEED in responding is very vital.

Talking about reminders, we cannot use our adult practice and expect youth to respond accordingly. You cannot set a time for cell meeting and expect your youth to remember. They may not because they have many options and interesting distraction. If you don’t call or sms them about your cell meetings, you should not be surprised that they don’t turn up. Or they say they forget. But because you call or sms, it will help them to remember their commitment to you and cell, and they MAY turn up. Such is youth work.

That is all for this week.
Do drop me a line or mail if you have some questions or thoughts to add.

Growing with you in growing the next generation.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

what am i doing with my cell?

I was pondering this question because it is important to know how are we spending our time together. it is important to realise that our cell is not just a time for catchup and announcement. Cell time is a time for Life touching life, Truth impacting life, Way for living. Yes, it is Jesus' time. it is important that we achieve all these ie concept for living, perspective for interpreting and action for applicating.

How to do?
Guess that comes to your perference. i will like to create experience to achieve all these.

The end outcome of the meeting - people should leave refreshed and ready to press on in their place of service/work.

coming back to my blog

yes i am coming to my blog. sensed the need to revive this blog for myself as well as for friends who want to know about my being.
hope to be away for some time of reorientation and evaluation of life.
see you soon on this blog.