Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A fresh perspective

Much has been said about the financial crisis and recession. Retrenchment and more bad news abound. How should a believer response in times such as this?

I believe this is the best time for the gospel message.
Beginning with believers, we must anchor our hope in God.

Even if we are part of the retrenchment group, we must believe God that it is His sovereign act to move us to somewhere BETTER.

Life is simple. But not simplistic. We must not treat retrenchment as “suai” or bad luck and being spared from retrenchment as “lucky” or “God is good”. We need to see that whatever life brings to us, it is still within God’s perfect will for our lives. We, owe it to God and ourselves, to understand His ways and agenda for us. God is always GOOD regardless of what happens to us.

Meanwhile, we need to counter the trend and be truly light and salt in this challenging time.
- Instead of playing safe with our money and resources, GIVE! Give to those who are in need.
- Instead of focusing on personal needs, self preservation, LOVE! Love is demonstrated and not just with mere words.
- Instead of being fearful, FAITH! Faith to step out and usher in the greater thing He will do in and through us!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Leadership Perspective - a new understanding

Segment 9: Leadership within a learning community

This segment reading started with Stronk and Bloomberg reminding us the type of leadership needed in school planning. We need to put in place a certain rhythm in ensuring that everyone involved in the process and not “top down”. The suggested framework is very useful especially the emphasis for total involvement, team building and putting peers together in the teaching and learning journey.

The leadership function continues beyond the planning to shaping a covenantal learning communities as learning had been structured to a private and personal journey in most schools. The ingredients of covenant learning community ie need for vision, atmosphere of love and trust and ethos of leadership for service are important focus for the leadership to emphasis and work on to ensure that school can be transformed into such learning communities.

With postmodernity, leadership is evermore needed to bring about changes “because of the human carving for stability especially on the part of those in power positions and those who benefit most from the existing order, nothing will give way in the fabric of existing institutions until the strife and discontent build beyond some threshold” (Lambert, 2004). Leadership in this brave new postmodern world demands that we encourage our learning communities to play with ideas and pray for grace to be faithful in obedience to the heavenly vision, whether as maverick or monk.

And to do so effectively and refreshingly, leaders must make time for self care. The ability to “make time” or time management is very well explained by Rush. He reminded us that “Time is our most important resource. It cannot be saved or stored. It can only be used.” And we must use it intentionally to ensure that our lives are moving toward the God given mandate as followers, leaders and teachers. Brain explained how the importance of self care can benefit pastors. Leaders can share in the benefit too as schooling is very much the same as ministry in that both are very people intensive and Godward focus.

Servgiovanni ended this segment reminding us that context played a key role in deciding whether certain approaches to leadership will be effective or not. There is a real danger of blind adoption of past successful model into the school context.
School needs special leadership and that could be found in moral leadership framework because it emphasises bringing diverse people into a common cause by making the school a covenantal community. Leadership in such context is neither hierarchical nor interpersonal but cognitive which draws its authority from shared goals, purposes, values, commitments and other ideas that provide the basis for followership. Linking leadership directly to the construction of meaning, facilitation of learning and the development of collective responsibility links leadership directly to the lifeworlds of schools. That is very important as it helps to achieve the balance of having the lifeworld driving the systemsworld of school.

Finally the leadership within the learning community needs to be ethical lest it becomes manipulation rather than empowering and enabling.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Reviews on my study notes

Rush – time management; a biblical approach

Will Rogers
It is not so much what you do each day – it is what you get done that counts.
Eph 5:15-16 – be very careful, then, how you live, not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.
Dawson Trotman
The greatest time wasted is the time getting started.

All agree that time is to be used and not wasted.

2 What is time?
Time is the passing of life.
Problems managing time is actually a reflection of problems managing our lives.
What you are and what you possess are the result of how you have used the time allotted to you.
All of us have the same amount of time – the difference is on how we use the time we have.
The secret to time management is how we use the 60min in every hour wisely.

3 Time robbers - Activities that take us away living purposefully.
Identify personal time robbers and systemically work at eliminating them.

4 How to identify your personal time robbers?
- time management is unglamourous hard work; most of us are unwilling to pay the price to work on it.
- using the time inventory sheet
Be specific in recording activities ; vague statement will not help.
Deal with controllable and uncontrollable time
Controllable; work at eliminating them
Uncontrollable; factor unscheduled time slot into our weekly plan

5 How to set priorities
Learning to set priorities is one of the most important and difficult aspect of effectively managing one’s time
We need to deter our emotion from interfering with reality.

6 Avoid the activity trap
Part of the problem can be traced to the activity trap which gets people involved in numerous tasks that do not contribute to the predetermined goal or objective.
Many Christian leaders work from morning till night but they never seem to get the important things done.
Mary and Martha – Lk 10:38-42
- Overlook what is important
- Unaware that she had lost sight of the goal
- Criticised other
- Busy activities produced stresses and tension which stimulate more activity

We must eliminate activities that make little or any contribution to our goal.

7 How to stay on schedule?
- develop priorities and communicate them
- learn to say “no” to things that do not contribute to goal
- maintain a high level of commitment to managing your time

The greater the priority the more frequent the need to say no.
We cannot meet all the needs of all people at all times.
We must focus on the most important things God has planned and called us to do.
Time management is not about schedule but accomplishing established life goals and priorities.

8 The important role of timing
The effective use of time consists of doing what God wants at the time He wants it done.

9 Time is our most important resource. It cannot be saved or stored. It can only be used.

10 CSL’s thoughts
I have only 1 life; total amount of time given from God to me.
I must live intentionally to fulfil His purpose and calling in my life.
I need to identify the time robbers in my life and eliminate them.
DO not give in to soulish excuses.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

G12 and me

Someone asked me if i am still for G12 since i left FCBC.
My answer is yes!
Yes in that i affirm the principles which i have observed in my times with the G12 movement.
I made a trip to Bogota in 1999 with KC, EL and PW. We were impressed with what we had observed. Together with KC, we implemented some principles we observed into the district. We put in place our own version of encounters and equipping track. i had one of my zone pastors, then, to pilot the full G12 principles in his zone. We saw tremondous growth in that zone. As a whole, the district benefitted from the process too. We emphasised on Prayer, Deliverance and Equipping. But i did not implement the structure as i was waiting for FCBC to make an official position in regards to G12.
In 2001, i made another trip with the FCBC team to Bogota.

There are many good aspect of G12 that i would like to highlight ie permanence of discipleship relationship, releasing of woman into ministry, intentional discipleship, etc.

But as in all changes, there would be mistakes or over-simplistic approaches which compromised the overall intent of G12. And i believe the leadership in FCBC will continue to refine the process.

What about me?
I have always believe in discipleship since my conversion. i was properly followup by the Navigators in Singapore Poly in the '80. And in the process, was encouraged to find a home church to settle in.

Even now, as i enjoy my sabbatical and visit churches, i am studying to deepen my foundation so that i could be involved in discipleship again.

My mission is to develop a team of people who could continue to make disciples for the glory of God.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

For Isabel - to share our beijing memories

the 2 friends

the 4 friends

the 2 friends again

the cool guy

Rachel with the wonderful hostess. Rachel trying to catch up with her piano lesson. haha.

Friday, December 12, 2008

What is your Passion? Dream? Calling?

What is your passion? Your dream? Your destiny?

I have been asking people these questions. And I have been helping people to uncover the answers to these questions for themselves.

Then recently, I realised that I have “lost” my own answer!

When I was asked of these questions recently, I could not really articulate an appropriate answer. I could give an answer to satisfy the questioner or even myself for a while. But deep inside, I realised I have “lost” my answer.

I began to do what I did with others ie listing down all my thoughts and interest, past encounters with God, interesting experiences in life etc. All were well placed before me…but I just could not make sense of them ie I could not find the “voice” that unite them all.

Then… my quiet moment with God……..He helped me to sort out all the questions. I realised that all through the years, I had buried my calling and passion through the “good works” that I was doing. I had tried to “position” my answer to suit the various platforms and works I was involved that, unknowingly, I lost my “voice”.

In that sacred moment with God, I found my voice again.
I found my calling afresh!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

more pictures

Driving past the Olympic Stadium

Buying chestnuts from the roadshow...don't eat while it is hot!

corridor of the world longest art gallery

Great Wall (view from Mutian Yu)

Taking a picture facing the sun...haha tough.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Hoilday Pictures

Queuing for tickets at Mutian for Ropeway to top of Great Wall.

Attention! Security!

The Largest LCD screen in the world. This is about 100m long screen at the ceiling...what a sight!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Holiday in Beijing

I give thanks to God for this special holiday. it was very special because God provided the means, family enjoyed ourselves very much, blessed by friends who cared.

I have selected some pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Learning from last weekend conference

Learning from the Global Social Innovation Forum 2008
There are many nuggets of wisdom that I would like to pen down both for myself and my fellow comrades in this journey of life.

1 The need to question the status quo. Pamela Hartigan liked to use the word “unreasonable” to challenge us to be “discontented” with what has been reasonable in standards etc. Only discontented people can push the existing boundary. She also challenged the use of the word “empower”. She felt that we could only provide the means and opportunity for people to choose. And in choosing, people are empowered. We cannot possibly empower people directly.

2 Jet LI gave a very interesting perspective on why we should give back to the society. He highlighted that the 2 chapters of life ie from birth to 10yrs old and the remaining 10yrs of one's life, we need people to care and support us. Thus the remaining middle portion of our lives, we should care and support others. That is what essentially being human means. Compassion and good works must not be a result of hype or loud promotion, it must stem from within every human being ie our nature to give back. I am impressed with his insight of life and commitment to change the world through his foundation. I only lament that we are not seeing much from the Christian world. The world is needful of such people who are not afraid of personal loss in exchange for global change. They would use all within their means to impact society. We must challenge the next generation of believers to do likewise…It is time for the light and salt to shine and influence!

3 Robert Chua, media owner, made an interesting insight about the media in the future. He shared that it would be about cross platform ie we could see “live” input from internet to media content to media programming. It is not about just 1 medium anymore. People are seeking “live” infoentertainment. Also he felt that mass media should be responsible to educate and entertain and not promote wrong habits and values and fear. Very refreshing voice in the media world.

4 Claire Chiang lamented that despite the mammoth growth in wealth, there is no change in the quality of life around the world. There is something fundamental wrong in the way business are run. She predicted that future jobs must have both the motivation of money and meaning to attract and retain Gen X and Y workforce. I cannot agree more!

5 Zainudin reminded us the future of high technology. We could be seeing nano and super nano technology that would allow technology to be implanted into human. The pages of Revelation are coming to past.

6 Amit shared that while youth is lacking in experience and knowledge, youth could start with building relationship and networking.

7 CSL - How to start a SE?
Identify our passion, concerns, interest or even skills.
Clarify purpose and mission; SE is one possible outcome.
Assume a possible attitude for change; attitude is everything
Develop business model for sustainability; details determine destiny
Craft a pitching approach
Engage stakeholders
Take the 1st step!

8 Personal Applications
- Read “Doing good doing well” by willie cheng
- Research on global needs ie Clinton initative and high noon
- Reason the need for YOUTHSOUL – giving the soul to the youth through challenging them to believe God to MAD

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Busyness is a sin!

Eugene Peterson made this bold claim in one of his books.
This statement stuck in my mind for a long time because I struggled with its touch on my weakness ie busyness. I was very busy for a long time ie balancing 3 different jobs at 1 time.

What is wrong with busyness?
It robs God of our worship!

We can be busy with serving God that we missed Him out totally in the picture.
We can be doing this and that for Him and yet losing our affection for Him.
We can be integrating all we want and it is not worship if He is not central in our focus.

Worship is when we give due recognition and attention to Him.

In Deut, we are reminded that God called to Pharaoh to “set My people free…that they may worship Me”. This call was given to Pharaoh at least 7 times ie depending on your version of the bible.

In NASV, “worship” is also translated into “serve”. This helps to clarify that worship is more than singing songs from Hillsongs. It is about living a life of service to the King ie in the labour of our hands, meditation of our mind, expression of our bodily means (vocal, hands, body etc).

In these times of financial meltdown, natural disaster, wars and rumour of wars, we are forced to recognise that we are living in the LAST DAYS. We must not live as per normal. We must ask “what are we busy with?”. We must take time to reflect and worship God afresh.

Someone said that the only constant thing in life is change.
I disagreed!
The only constant in life is GOD.
He changes NOT.
All the changes in this world is actually part of the bigger work of God to draw men back to Himself, to worship Him.

Remember – busyness is sin!
Time to rework your schedule.
Put in time for worship!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

What is the Lord saying in these times?

Economical recessions, Employment woes, Earthquakes….what is happening?

Financial experts would advise us that this is normal financial cycle ie 6-8yrs we would expect some form of recessions, etc.
Geologist could explain the dynamics involved in earthquakes, etc.

BUT why are they happening?

I think in this season, it is important for Christian to pause and listen to the agenda of God.
Why is God shaking up the financial system of the world?
Why is there instability in job markets?
Why is nature being shaken up?

Personally I believe it is a wakeup call from God.
Man has resought to build our security in the things of this world that we have neglected our reliance on God.
We have more faith in the means of this world more than the Master of our lives.
We are worshipping our jobs more than making our jobs part of our total worship to God.
We are occupied with activities more than the Almighty.

It is time to slow down and align our hearts to the Object of our faith. We must not harden our hearts lest we miss His voice.

Take a proper break this Dec to reflect on the year and recommit every area to the Lordship of God. God must be the Lord over them and not be a divine rubber stamp.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Silence

Just in case some of you wondered why the silence.....
- i am currently in Beijing with my family. This trip was a blessing from an old Victoria School friend. Am always thankful to God for this holiday as well as my Victoria School experiences and friends made.
- been thinking about many things ie my failing in discipling my disciples, the lack of true authentic Christian relationships and community life, the shallowness of love, etc
- personally, i believe it is important that we beginning our processing of conflicts, of interest or expectations, by examining how i have failed rather than how others have failed me. in this way, i switch from a blame game to a learning posture for everybody. BUT i have seen many leaders blaming others without doing a just examine of personal failing. Thus, i am determined to live out a God pleasing life by being a godly leader; nothing more, nothing less. It is time to be godly in all my ways. beginning with my silence.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Thinking aloud

Was reminded again by Ed Silvoso's (@ CHC) -
"if you want to see something you have never seen before, you must do something you have never done before. Or you will continue to see what you have always seen before as you continue in what you have always been doing."

This reminder was very reassuring i knew i had done something NEW in faith.

Also, there was a song which was sung with these few lines -
"..greater things that are yet to come. greater things that are yet to be done..."

Felt it was an assurance from our Father that He would be doing something new and great (or greater) in the coming years and i would be part of it as i had moved out in faith.

Words failed to express the sense of gratitude i felt in the hall.

As i reflected over this season, i was and am thankful that God is doing a much bigger thing than i realised. I have also found the Body of Christ much more gracious, kind and understanding.

Many people, outside my usual circle, came and offered help, love and listening ears (even when i chose not to speak). They heard, from others, and were concerned for me. Some even offered jobs for me. But I have turned them down because i know this is a season of studying, listening and seeing. It is not time yet to be engaged in anything more permanent.

But through their love expressed, i found GRACE. Grace amazing ....
That God is bigger than all my mistakes.
That God is greater than all the assessments i received.
That God is interested in all my dreams and fantasies.
That God is always around..
in my peaks....
in my pits...

Above all,
He loves me...
He cares for me...
He wants to use me...

To usher His greater things
To witness His greater acts
To celebrate His greater works

He loves me eternally! Such GRACE.

My part....i must respond to His grace by loving Him.
I have been reminded what i have taught about LOVE.

Love is not love till it is expressed.
Love is not just an emotional word.
Love is an action word.
Love acts in good faith and intention.
Love is not afraid of wrong.
Love is not afraid of opinions of others.
Love is not afraid.

Even though this was taught for christian love, it is even more so for me to live out to God.

"Evil persists because good man does nothing!"
There are too many such good man who do nothing in the face of wrong.
I have acted to the best i know.
i pray, by His Grace, i will continue to do so and reduce the evil around us.

something greater is yet to happen, something greater is going to happen!

Friday, November 07, 2008

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Pastoral musing - over priority of teaching

In Stronks and Blomberg's "vision ; school for responsive discipleship", we are reminded the Christian schools have these roles -

Conserves and passes on biblical story and worldviews

Discerns spirits of our times

Inquires how the tradition it is conserving leads to reforming society

And in carrying out these roles, biblical schooling or Responsive discipleship would call us into these 3 priorities for teachers;

1. Unwrapping God’s gift

We need to nourish lifelong playful and thoughtful learner out of our students. there must be fun in learning (motto of JC Edu Park). In so doing, we must not limit ourselves to nurturing of just intellectual gift. We need to help our students to discover their hidden God's given gifts. We must also help them tap into creativity and imagination within thhem as they are made in the image of God.

2. Sharing burden and joy

School is more than producing scholars. It is about producing learners, learners who are human. This means we must guide them to offer their gifts to serve the body of Christ and society. As guide we must help them to counter the tide of individual gratification and self fulfilment and develop character of perseverance and resilience. i am thinking that we have neglected much about developing resilience in our youth lately. There is much to think about this.

In order to share burden and joy, we must grow to accept all as image of God and not the "naughty boy in my class". It is not easy but we all need to grow in this.

While expressing care and concerns, this caring covenant communities are not soft; forceful and demanding when necessary yet resilient. We must also teach personal failures as new learning opportunities, while endured. All these need not be done only in CIP or YEP. it must be cultivated in class as well.

3. Seeking Shalom

Shalom is biblical peace and justice that heals brokenness and restores creation to what God intends it to be. Shalom peace means both rests in and brings about restored relationship between God and man, community and world. as such, our pedagogy reflects tactfulness and trust, curriculum fosters justice and harmony, discipline redirects to discipleship, evaluation foster self reflective growth. We must Celebrate God's Lordship in creation and lament power of sins in our world. We lament in order to challenge our youth (and ourselves) to action.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

It is theological!

Following a single charismatic leader, aligning everyone in the process and making things happened - all these are popular proven method both in organisational and church world.
But what is the problem with this?

Efficiency is up, productivity is high, success is almost guaranteed.

The subtle challenge is we have moved from a communal structure (of a family) into a hierarchical structure (of an organisation). We have replaced people as mean to achieve goals. We have skipped the necessary step for relational development for corporate effectiveness. And the deception of it all, we do get what we want as a result. But at what cost?

People feel used.

Relationship is abused and functional.

Personal aspiration is denied, at best, to be redefined.

Over time, people decided for a change; be it in church or workplace.

Leadership alignment is something i did and taught in the past. i don't think it was wrong. but i felt i (together with others) might have overused it.

Thomas Sergiovanni challenged the over use of leadership. By that, he meant the over-emphasis of leadership and leadership methods which would inevitably deny any personal ownership and development among the masses. In fact, he made a bold claim that when leadership is absent, true authentic (personal) leaders will arise. People will take more personal responsibilities when there is lesser top-down intervention. There is much to chew about.

Interestingly, while the above was a simple summary of my educational reflection, Elder Freddy Boey of Riverlife made the same challenge this Sunday too. He was also addressing the over-reliance of secular method adopted by churches.

Personally i have always wondered why the church is turning to the world for wisdom while the world is turning to Jesus as a model? My humble conclusion is that we have not invested in biblical christian thinking. We, like Singapore, prefer to be pragmatic rather than ideological in our views of life.

Elder Freddy made a personal stand against this tide by recognising that it was not a call for management efficiency that the church should be bothered with. Rather the church should stand for what is theologically sound and biblically right.

Amen to that!

Friday, October 31, 2008

What will i be doing?

Many have asked me this questions ????? a lot over the last weeks.

I am just as excited to know too...because i sense in my spirit God will reveal soon.

But i know that i need to guard my human heart. There is always a human desire to attempt great things, good things for God. But as i walk with God, i want to do GOD's thing in my life more than great or good.

Some one commented that every pastor that have left FCBC did not achieve much in their ministry. His reference was to the size of the ministry. I was, for a moment, shaken with such an observation. Other than one dialect pastor, who planned and brought a group out, most who resigned and decided to start ministries or churches later, failed to hit the 200 mark. Of course there are others who joined other ministries or churches and have taken a sizeable ministry.

God reminded me NOT to compare. It is more important that everyone of us are faithful to God's call rather than focus on the size of our ministry as a measurement of our success. For the size of ministry is a decision on God's part. My part is faithful to His call.

Jo and i hope to go away, locally, to seek confirmation of God's revelation. We believe our time of ministry will start soon.....

A new dawn is coming!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Who are you?

Who am i?
Most of us will have a rather defeated mindset of who we are. Maybe it is our oriental upbringing, we tend to think negatively or poorly of ourselves.

What would God's answer be if we ask Him how He thinks of us?
From my little OT knowledge, He never answer such question. In Exodus, when Moses asked Him, He only assured him that He would be with him.
In NT, God assured us, that He will be with us, when He gave us the great commission.

Ps Derek Hong, Church of our Savior, made an interesting link to both texts that the devil always attack our perception of God and us. He used other texts to reinforce that the devil's scheme is to create distortion in our mind of who God is eg Genesis (temptation of Eve) and Matt (temptation of Jesus)

Thus, it is very important for us to know who God is and who we are in Him.

Who am i?
Bibilically speaking, i am someone God hangs around with. Cool isnt.
He loves me so much that my identity is tied, always, with Him and His presence.

In fact, when He died for me, He died for ALL my inquities and sins. All my mistakes and faults and sins are all paid for. He did not select which part of me that He would redeem. He redeemed me fully. I am totally forgiven, forever loved and completely fulfilled in Him.

The key is for me to stay in Him.

I am very thankful for this visit to COOS. It was not easy as we had to settle some spiritual attack before we could reach the church. Even so, we were told that the carparking problem was very real. We asked for a sign ie that we would have a lot. And we did.

This visit opened my eyes to see how this church focused on people and the supernatural work of God. There was a place setup for everybody to help themselves to get a drink or some food (FOC). A place to chat and meet the pastoral staff. During service, time was set aside to ensure those who were not well were prayed for.

1 interesting statement from Ps Derek i held dear as well. When the spirit of prophesy was released, we must intentionally catch it and wait to see God unfold.

I am waiting to see how God unfold the destiny of my life.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tribute to Rev Henry Khoo

It was a blessed time!
Standing outside the packed hall, among the cars, singing praises to God.

The hall was packed with pastors, believers and people in authority.

I was moved in my spirit as i worshipped the Lord under the sky. Thanking God for the home-going of one of the great saint of God i know.

I came to know Rev Henry Khoo back in the '80. It was when Jackie Pullinger came to minister to FCBC and requested to visit the Changi Prison. I was blessed to be among the small group that went with her and met Henry. The meeting marked the beginning of my involvement with Prison and Prisoners. And since i was serving the Campus and Combat Ministry then, i focused on the detention barrack for the soldiers.

Then in 2000's, my wife and i visited Henry to discuss on how we could really serve the prisoners. He led us to serve the Changi Woman Prison. The rest was history.

But through those times, Henry had come across to both jo and i as a very humble man despite his wealth of experiences and seniority in ministry.
He never made us feel small or inexperienced in his presence. He encouraged us all through the times we served the prisoners.

Queuing through the throngs of people, i heard many ex-prisoners recalling their encounters with Henry and how special they felt when he baptised them. Personally i felt the crowd to be very different. Different in that all who came had been personally blessed and touched by God through the very personal ministry of Henry. Not that he was not a popular preacher but it was his personal time with people that left a deep impression and impact. it was so for both jo and i.

Thank you Henry!
For giving to the Lord! We have been blessed by your life!
Your support through your listening ears,
Encouraged us through the years.

Your humble disposition,
Disarmed all confusion.
Your fatherly smile,
Brought strength to go another mile.

Your unswerving commitment to love the prisoners,
Reflected Jesus' love to the commoners.

Your life is indeed a legacy,
For all generation to see.

Thank you Henry!
I have been blessed by your life story!
May more "Henry"s rise to your shoes,
Even if we don't know who

To continue to love the unlovable,
To show us it is possible,
For in Christ we will always be able!

Have a blessed rest in Him.

Monday, October 20, 2008

He is my Provider!

The recent finanical crisis made me wondered if i had resigned at the wrong time. But God has spoken again and again that this is indeed His time for me.
Suddenly it hits me that it is precisely in such occasion that He will be glorified as my Provider.

The earthly perspective would be bad timing and poor market for whatever i intended to do. i should have resigned later so that i could at least collect my 13th mth.

But faith perspective sees that when all else looks bleak, it will set a great backdrop for His light to shine through!

And shone through He did!
Over the last 1mth, i have received :
daily prayer and scriptural promises from an angel (overweight one; hahah you said so),
family holiday to Beijing (from an overseas friend) in Nov
family holiday to Malaysia (from a family friend) in Dec
business for JC Edu Park,
saving from NICE discount + currency exchange
NICE text books (from overseas friend)
friendships and support from the community.

I have been blessed by His provision!
In fact, by faith, i am believing that i can give, despite being not-employed, to those in need or as lead by God. It is always more blessed to give than to receive for God is no man's debtor.

God is my Provider!
He will be for all who trust in Him (finanical crisis or otherwise)!

Be a 4th dimensional man!

Be a 4th dimension man!

You will not be limited by the lack of resources.

You will not be limited by the support of man.

You will not be limited by the constraint of time.

This was essentially the theme of Ps Kong's message this week. We were reminded of the power of positive words, pictures and even feelings over water and crystal (the work of Prof Emoto).

Ps Kong brought us to examine the scripture on how visual can impact the type of youngs produced by the flocks. Jacob brought the flocks to the place whereby he had prepared with branches which revealed both the white and stripes. And when they drank and mated in front of the branches. they bore youngs which were speckled or spotted (Gen 30:39).

Such is the power of visual impact on the lives of the flocks.

He challenged us to focus on the 2 branches - the cross!

Thus, there is a need for us to think, speak and feel good about what we ask of God. We must not ask in fear or doubt. We must not pray just against bad things; we ended thinking bad things.

I learnt to move in faith again.

I must pray believing and expecting the best from God; He desires the best for my life.

I must not doubt that.

Application - I must move into the 4th dimension. I must not be logical or rational in the realm of the spirit. I must dare ask again - Make My Life A Miracle!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My God reigns!

My God reigns!

This truth meant a lot more during this season of my life. I enjoyed affirming this truth during the worship session at City Harvest Church. Somehow, God used this truth to prepare me for the message to come.

My God is greater! My God is over all!

i was invited this week to attend the saturday service with Elim. She hosted my family throughout the service and dinner. Thank God for friends like her.

Ps Kong reminded us to find HOPE in God during this finanical crisis. We must not allow the media and news to cause anxiety to fill our hearts. we must continue to trust in Elohim.

He explained that God redeemed us for a purpose - to be like Him (esp in the beginning before sin entered.)

And in Gen 1, we will be reminded that He is a creator God - Elohim.

God's desire is for us to move beyond heal me-feed me-encourage me - mentality to one of an overcomer through God's creative power.

It was a timely challenge for me to move beyond trusting God for His provision to using His provision to generate miracles for God.

I must not be passive in my faith ie just waiting for provision to come. i must rise up and move knowing it will come. and i must be good steward of it when it comes.
Also, i must learn to be creative in my stewardship of God's provision of contacts, connections, competency, cash. I must use them to demonstrate what a great God He is.

i am glad that God has been speaking weekly (even daily) to me during this painful period. Paiinful because i am not really letting go of my rights and past. His Word has been a great encouragement to my soul.

The secret to experiencing God:
Build His altar
Bless my family
Be connected in His work/call for me.

By His grace, i WILL!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Teachers and Students

This is a part of my submission for 1 of my study unit.

It is about developing a biblical community with our students.

I have attached this portion for the Christian teachers who are reading this blog.

Recommendations for Christian Teachers
In order embrace our God-given roles and responsibility, even in public school, Christian teachers should consider the following;

1 Renew our mind
When there is no renewal of mind, there is no transformation of life (Rom 12:1-2). Our life in God is the basis for which we can bring transformation to the students. Thus there is a need for Christian teachers to have our mind renewed regularly in the Lord. Part of the renewal of mind would require the new teachers to attend some basic units of Christian Education by National Institute of Christian Education. Especially, for units such as ED 500 and ED 501 which deal with Biblical Foundation and Worldview. This would open the eyes of the teachers to understand the relevance of their faith in their sacred calling as teachers.

Unless the teachers recognise the subtlety of the devil’s scheme, their relationship with the students could become mere humanistic effort to show love and acceptance. There is no lasting power in such endeavours. Human effort, on its own, could lead them to discouragement, disillusion and even depression. This could explain why many teachers left the teaching forces. From the website of ABC News, it was reported that a quarter of new teachers left the teaching profession within a year. In Singapore, it was reported that about 1000 teachers resigned every year (Ministry of Education, 2006).

These reports heighten the need for Christian teachers to deepen their walk with God through developing a biblical mindset. With a renewed mind, they can have the strength to persevere in their sacred calling.

2 Review our teaching practises in the light of biblical worldview
2.1 Your position in class
Teachers in Singapore are taught to maintain a professional distance between teachers and students. This is rooted in our Confucius’ worldview whereby teachers are learned people thereby making them to be always right. Flowing from this worldview, and the fear of promoting favouritism, teachers are expected to maintain a distance with his students.
Noddings (1984) commented that this distance is a sense of “narrow professionalism” (p. 184). She further commented that teachers need to recognise the common humanity we are all part of. This is very true and necessary if we are serious to nurture a learning community with our students.

Edlin (1999) mentioned that the effective Christian teacher does not just “teach from the head, but from the head and the heart” (p. 125). If we are too distance from our students, they cannot hear our heart. We cannot nurture a community from a distance.
Thus we should review this practice of distance and seek to enter into the community of our students with them.

The Ministry of Education (MOE) website, under the “purpose of teaching”, highlighted that “we will be purposeful in what we do and our passion to care for our pupils and education them will be our source of motivation”. The students would only know if we care if we are willing to step into their community and not teaching from a distance.

2.2 Your layout of class
The layout of our class is a reflection of our worldview about our students and their learning. Individual seating arrangement would promote individualism and thereby destroy the very community we seek to nurture. Van Dyk (2000) promoted the idea of “a multifunctional classroom” (p. 222). Essentially it is still a collaborative classroom. But this idea helps to meet the communal and individual needs of the students.

In order for us to be able to fully implement this well, we need to start with an extensive inventory work of knowing our students. This would include details like their spiritual dimension, social relationship, physical/physiological strengths and weaknesses, emotional status, learning styles. For the purpose of nurturing community, all these information should not be collected through scientific means. We should attempt to collect them through our personal interaction with them during both formal and informal settings.

2.3 Your approach to teaching
Many of the lecturers who I came into contact with, viewed teaching as transference of information. They do not see the students as the focus of their vocation. Thus getting them involved in Service Learning with the trainee teachers was met with much resistance. They could not agree to spending time with their students to process their learning and being. This was what I advocated in my conduct of Service Learning Course for the hundred plus lecturers. It is, therefore, no surprising that many in-service teachers do not see value in nurturing community let alone to process the learning with their students.

This calls for us to recognise that we are not teaching academic subjects. We are teaching students. This idea was very well promoted by Doud (1988), in his “Teacher of the Year” audio CD. It was precisely the focus on teaching students that led him to become the “Teacher of the Year 1986-87”.

Christian teachers must review our approach to teaching and ensure sufficient attention be given to the being of our students rather than just communicating the importance of the subject matter. People do not care how much we know until they know how much we care. Nurturing community requires us to pay attention to the individual and not just our insights to the lesson plan.

We can draw inspiration from Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians. In 1 Thess 2:8, Paul shared that he went beyond the gospel of God (subject matter) to share even his life with his students because they had become so dear to him. We must grow in our compassion for our students.

2.4 Your strategies in teaching
Edlin (1999) highlighted that “best teachers are enthusiastic about their vocation and subject” (p. 125). This is very true because enthusiasm is contagious. And so it is with the lack of it. If you are not interested in what you are teaching, your students will pick that up from you too. Thus, it is important for Christian teachers who seek to nurturing community, to be enthusiastic about and the subject they are teaching.

And one of the ways of expression is to enhance your understanding of the students through the knowledge of educational psychology. Van Dyk (2000) encouraged teachers to keep ourselves abreast of the “latest theories about learning styles” (p. 116). We should examine every theory through our biblical worldview and apply those consistent to our faith into our lesson plan. In this way, we could make our lesson more “know-able” to the diverse groups of students in our class.

2.5 You confidence in teaching calling
Many Christian teachers would struggle with much of what have been suggested because of the fear of man within us. This is a very Singaporean worldview because of our colonial past and the Japanese occupation. The whole nation was brought up to fear authority.
But the root of fear is the lack of love. 1 John 4:18 explained to us that “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.”

Christian teachers need to learn to receive this perfect love daily and release daily to the students. Fear will limit both the teacher and students from learning and growing. For a learning community to nurture and flourish, Christian teachers need to be the bearers of God’s perfect love to the community. When the students receive this unconditional love, they may be willing to try and achieve beyond our expectation. This perfect love would also help Christian teachers to lovingly correct or confront the students’ unhealthy habits or behaviours without fear of losing the community.

This perfect love would also restore the much needed confidence in the teaching professions to dare make a difference.

3 Realign the ultimate objective of community life
Community Engagement is not an end in itself. Christian teachers must work hard at nurturing community within the teachers and community sphere so that learning could take place. But the end of all learning must be to prepare the students for living in the real world. The goal of Christian Education is empower students to live life as intended in the real world (Fennema, 2006, p. 39). And the real world is not the secular world we are seeing. The real world is God’s world (Ps 24). Thus the final intent of the community is to bring this learning community into the kingdom life in Jesus.

And it is not through human effort or strategies. It is by the work of His Grace. Thus, we need to commit our learning community daily before our loving Heavenly Father who wants and will answer our prayer when we humbly ask of Him in Jesus’ name (Matt 7:7).

Community Enhancement Strategies are humanistic effort apart from the wisdom and grace of God. Thus, Christian teachers must daily bathe ourselves in the presence of our loving Heavenly Father and seek His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things shall be added upon us (Matt6:33).

Sunday, October 05, 2008

My 1st day as a "jobless man"

5th of Oct is very special.

It is my first day as an unemployed man. haha.

i have worked since 1988 after NS till 4th of Oct 2008.

Being a Sunday, it has certainly helped to cushion the impact.

I woke up very unwilling to go to church. It is part of the denial process of not wanting to go to a different church; in transition, we faced 3 constant challenges - emotional, relational and esteem. Yet i know I cannot deny God of my worship. Thanks to my wife, I obediently brought my family to Christalite Methodist Church. We decided to go somewhere nearer our home because this is exam period for the kids. We wanted to get back asap to continue their revision.

It was a pleasurable experience being in the Kingdom of God and celebrating the Lord's supper.

I need to constantly remind myself to focus on God and not on "operation" within the service i.e. I see myself looking out for things to improve etc... haha... ome habits take a while to change.

The worship was simple but needful for this broken man. Knelt before God and affirmed that Jesus is my firm foundation. I will lift my face to the King of Glory. He will forever be my King.

The message is interesting for me at this junction of my life ie "Forgiven to Forgive". While it is not new to me, it is timely to remind myself to forgive all who have hurt me during this period of change. Both Jo and I are determined to live our lives without any bondage and bitterness. We are committed to TOTAL FORGIVENESS.

We are reminded that we can only forgive if we have experienced true forgiveness from God. And that required me to come before God and receive His forgiveness afresh and extend His forgiveness. I must surrender any feeling or needs for revenge or vindication.

Amen and I did so during the time of prayer.

Met some friends in this church; Singapore is really small.

Rachel gave a very insightful comment i.e. God had been speaking to us - from Accepting People (in Muar Church) to Forgiving People (today). I am thankful God has been speaking and affirming us. I had a wonderful time with God in my dream this morning ie He affirmed His pleasure over me. And He further reminded me that today is a day of new beginning as I reflected on the birth of Hannah (Evan's and Mabel's new born).

Not bad for my 1st day.

Must get back to my study soon. Trying to submit my assignment by this week.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Reminder of His Call

I read an old post and draw much reminders of His call.

Monday, May 21, 2007
My reflection from the JP’s Seminar

I was blessed!
I had not cried so much for so long.
It was not tears of sadness nor self pity.
It was not tears of loss nor lack.
It was tears of knowing Jesus afresh.
I never knew Jesus in the level that she did.
I never knew grace and compassion so deeply.
I never knew….
I found myself …
so shallow in my knowledge of God,
so superficial in my understanding of Grace,
so simple in my concept of incarnation.

I had been so careful in my affection that I had taught myself not to care at all.
I had been so “wise” in my investment of love that I did not love at all.
Sigh… Such paradox of mindset… so important to think biblically.

But I am thankful.
Thankful that God sent Jackie to SCREAM
wisdom into my soul,
insight into my mind and
compassion into my heart.
I have been revived.

My heart has been softened towards God and His people.
My mind is clearer about what truly matters.
My soul yields for more of Him.

I will move on…
not quickly to respond to the rhema word,
not immediately to do something,
not instantly…
WHY? (Read on...)

I have learnt to move at His pace and space.
I have come to realize how easier to move in the flesh again.
God does not need my speed…
He wants my soul!
God does not need my action alone ..
He wants my compassion in it.

Thus, I want to center down and distill His specific word to Chua Seng Lee.
I want to run my race which God has marked out for me.
I don’t want to run the race of others.
I don’t want to be 2nd in their race.
I want to be 1st in my race – God’s race for me.

In summary, the 3 most important learning that I have made:
1. Serve the Poor because Jesus had chosen to be poor and broken.
- God’s call to remember the poor; Gal 2:10
- Ministry to the Poor is not dependent on budget.
- It is about exercising the heart of Jesus in us; don’t give handouts…give myself...
- Don’t shut my heart to their cry.
- We serve not because the poor can change or pay us back. We give because Jesus gave.

2. Ministry of Incarnation;
- Jesus came and met needs personally.
Not through a medium or agent; otherwise He could have send a video!
- Words are cheap.
It must be backed up with action; don’t tell someone to take a break unless I am prepared to fill their place.
- Power through human weakness/brokenness; 1 Cor 1:22-24.
End of our human hearts is the beginning of His heart.
- If you don’t forgive, you don’t know God… If you don’t serve the poor, you don’t know God… If you don’t imitate Christ, you don’t know Christ; Prov 21:13
- Death in the giver before life to the receiver! It is a biblical model in ministry; 2 Cor 4:10
- Sow Kindness > Soul Hunter. Go to love and not to complete a target.

3. Issue of difficult times
– issue of direction;
- We need to know where we come from and
- Where we are and
- Where we are going.

1. Why do I serve/give?
I serve and give because Someone has served and given to me.

2. How do I serve/give?
Not from the mind alone. More importantly, from my heart (His heart in me) to love one person at a time.

3. Where do I serve/give?
It starts from where I am… Do I know the “poor” around me?

4. What is serving and giving?
It is doing what Jesus would.

5. When is the time to serve?
Anytime, every time.

6. Who do I serve?
The next person I meet.

My Being...

Many have asked why?
Answer them not i try.

Many have advice.
I have thrice.

But they mean no harm.
I mean no arm.

Fight not.
Cross not.

Cos we are in the same family of God.
Doing what we believe is of God.

Moving on i must.
Wearing not a mask.

Believe in being True
To my conscience and Truth

Disappointment, Discouragement, Disillusion gather at my door.
Deny them is my call.

Looking to God in my heart.
Lest to Depression i start.

Leaving the people i love,
Disappointing the leaders above,
Are not my intention!
Nor my ambition!

Many memories
Many histories
2 and 22 years in this family ; GBC + FCBC
1 and 15 years of service; GE + FCBC

Truth be told.
I would not be sold.
To a standard i behold,
Contrary to that i hold.
All are subjective,
Subjective are all.
Heaven call beckons me.
To Thee i'll meet.

To part with earthly friends,
To gain my heavenly ends.
Painful yet needful.
Temporary yet seems so Permanent.

When will it ends?
When will i reach the other end?

Father i called.
Help thy son.

Bless all in pain
Honor them with gain
A glimpse of Yourself
A taste of Eternal Health.

Show us Your way,
Glory All The Way!

Monday, September 08, 2008

journey of faith

In life, nothing is static. even after 16yrs...things can change. the redemptive way to see change is to know that God is involved and He is at work beyond our comprehension.
but change will bring disstability and tensions not forgetting misunderstanding and all.
the important part for me is to maintain a God-honoring posture. never to return evil for evil, anger for anger. instead, eat the humble pie, look up to God, press in on Godliness till i reach the other end.
He is my King. My magificant Obssession.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Reflection on youthwork

This week, I want to share about the important of involving the youth and young people in your cell. I counselled a member and she shared that she finally felt part of FCBC because she was involved in TYL project. Through volunteering, she came to know more members of FCBC, SJ tribe etc. and THAT made she feel belonged. Yet interestingly, she wondered if she was being canal because her sense of belonging was due to people / friends.

3 important points to note:

1. The importance of involvement
If you do not engage your youth to do something for the cell or church, you are denying them the chance to feel part of the family. Just think of the 1st time you are give responsibility at home and school (carry text books for teachers, etc) and how that made you feel good. It is a very normal human need – the need to be able to contribute. And when they can see themselves doing something, they feel more for the group or thing. Of course, in SL language, the task must be age appropriate bearing in mind their competence too.

2. Is coming to church because of friend is wrong?
Of course NOT!
We should be the walking signboard for God. If you are not one of the reasons why people come to church, you need to check your life. We are called to be witnesses for Him. We are His ambassadors, we are His fleshy representations to the lost world. People are drawn to God because of the messenger first. So we need to ensure our lives are clear reflection for God. Meanwhile, it is normal for some new members or even non Christians come to church because of you and your members. There is absolutely nothing wrong in that. Of course, over time, we need to build into their lives so that they come because of God…we should not be too idealistic that people come just because of the unseen God. They all need to see God in you.

3. G12 vision
Most of our members are very free and not engaged in church. That is because they are NOT in the vision of discipling someone. They are not in the G12 vision.
Our defective discipleship. We are not producing the RIGHT kind of disciples. We are not producing well because we are growing well. We are all consumed by our life pressing issues, which are legitimate, but neutralised our effectiveness to be a fruitful vine. We need to return to God and cry for a renewed passion to make disciples again.
Go for 12 and not settle with the few you have in your cell. Make them disciple-makers and not just mere cell members

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Dear family,
I will like to start a new series of reflection ie purely on youtwork. Between ps jo and I, we have more than 40yrs of youthwork experiences. It will be poor stewardship for us NOT to share or teach all of you our beloved in the Lord.
Yet in doing so, I must be careful not to lock your learning into our times and context.
AS such, I will try and distill our experiences into Principles as much as I can for your application in your context.

In this 1st reflection, I will like to draw on 2 counselling experiences recently to highlight my learning;

1 Dealing with sexual temptation
It is normal for us to see our youth struggle in their sexual attraction with their partners. If they are not sexually attracted, I will be of great concerned – because we are created as sexual beings.
The correct perspective is to see this as necessary process to develop the fear of God in them. They must not run away from us because of this struggle (have not sinned) and sin (when they aroused one another intentionally). The temptation to run from us or God is the scheme of the devil to condemn them further through self pity and further sinning. God’s grace is always more than enough for us.
The priority in ministering to youth in this journey, is to inspire them to consider God’s destiny for their lives. They need to know that they are created for GREAT thing because God is Great. Despite of their sins and struggles, God can use them if they are willing to return and repent. The way I find that helps is the way of God. When I was younger, and struggled more with sexual temptation, I did not see God condemned me and sentenced me to uselessness in Christendom. Rather, I was shown grace – I was accepted, I was loved, I was affirmed, I was given the joy to serve….
How could I deny such GRACE through our sins….Grace melted my hearts and I was changed.
Thus, when we help couples over these areas, draw them to focus their energy/passion towards serving God and seeking God’s destiny (which is both doing and being; there is no clear separation).

2 Dealing with discipline
I was shocked by how some leaders react violently to discipline of words of rebuke or correction. They reacted with bad attitude and improper manner towards leadership.
Their actions only further revealed a lack of character. Remember we are in character formation and not behavioural modification. As such, I will like us to grow in this when we are corrected by leadership. Accept the correction and see if there are areas of change. Acceptance is not necessary equal to agreement. You can accept and change because you are accountable to God over your action towards leadership. Yet there is nothing stopping you in praying for wisdom to understand the purpose of God over the situation that you cannot agree with. In all things in life, we need more than knowing the facts or truth (theory) …we need to grow in understanding.

SO when you are corrected unreasonably by leadership, accept it and seek to be understanding.

3 Dealing with accountability with youth; speed and reminders
In working with youth, we need to know that they do have a lot of time; more than you think. They can sleep much lesser than us, doing msn, surfing, gaming, etc. Thus, everyday is a full 24hrs availability for things that matters to them eg BGR, interest and hobby and study. While this is not true for us, working adults have a lot more other things to do etc, it will NOT be prudence to respond to youth ONLY at your convenience or preference. If there is a need for accountability, call them immediately or asap and not when you can. If they are thinking about someone or doing something foolish, don’t wait till you can. Do it asap or regret knowing they have done the very thing you know they should NOT. Thus SPEED in responding is very vital.

Talking about reminders, we cannot use our adult practice and expect youth to respond accordingly. You cannot set a time for cell meeting and expect your youth to remember. They may not because they have many options and interesting distraction. If you don’t call or sms them about your cell meetings, you should not be surprised that they don’t turn up. Or they say they forget. But because you call or sms, it will help them to remember their commitment to you and cell, and they MAY turn up. Such is youth work.

That is all for this week.
Do drop me a line or mail if you have some questions or thoughts to add.

Growing with you in growing the next generation.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

what am i doing with my cell?

I was pondering this question because it is important to know how are we spending our time together. it is important to realise that our cell is not just a time for catchup and announcement. Cell time is a time for Life touching life, Truth impacting life, Way for living. Yes, it is Jesus' time. it is important that we achieve all these ie concept for living, perspective for interpreting and action for applicating.

How to do?
Guess that comes to your perference. i will like to create experience to achieve all these.

The end outcome of the meeting - people should leave refreshed and ready to press on in their place of service/work.

coming back to my blog

yes i am coming to my blog. sensed the need to revive this blog for myself as well as for friends who want to know about my being.
hope to be away for some time of reorientation and evaluation of life.
see you soon on this blog.