A preacher challenged a graduating class, "There is still room in the list of spiritual giants (like that of DL Moody, George Whitefield...) for the kingdom of God." 1 young man responded to that challenge. He was then 22 yrs old. Years later, Billy Graham became one of God's finest evangelist in the last century.
What is my point?
God delights in using youths for the expansion of His kingdom!
WHY are we reaching the youth generation (13-25); is this a ministry of convenience or conviction? Some might say it is convenient because working with people in this age group brings forth the easiest results. Others might say it is convenient because we have many leaders in this age group. Still others will say it is convenient because many of our church members are in this age-group. The truth is, if you serve out of convenience, you will produce people of negligence - people who neglect the cost of following Jesus, neglect living a pure life, neglect living out the many essential biblical principles as Christians.
If you serve out of convenience, you will hardly make an impact. Take for example, ministering among the military community. Several para-churches started off with serving the military community but changed their course after seeing more results among the campuses. Today, we no longer have any para-churches serving the military with the exception of MCF - Military Christian Fellowship.
The church of God is never formed out of convenience of Conviction.
When you serve out of conviction, you can win NATIONS for the Lord.
"The World has yet to see a man fully consecrated to him - a man of conviction." DL Moody, a revivalist at the end of 18th century, resolved to be that man and by the end of 3 yrs, he brought England, Scotland and Ireland to their knees.
The church needs people of conviction not convenience. As a pastor, I have learnt that I would rather have 50 leaders whose hearts are set for God than 1,000 who serve out of convenience and therefore whose lives never made any significant impact in the world.
I would like to share with you my own convictions which I have formed through understanding what the Word of God says about our service to Him. These have been the driving force in my own journey of serving God's as a youth pastor. However, it is one thing to know, yet another to own these convictions for your own life. It is my prayer that as I share, God will impress upon you a similar passion/conviction for this work.
Whenever we read the Great Commission, we often are guilty of the Great Omission - mentally, by and large as a church, we left out the children and the youth, in our stategy in building the church .
Unfortunately, because this age range is between the YOUTH and adults, it is often left unaccounted for in many churches.
In military term, it is similar to the "NO MAN"S LAND". A space between 2 group of forces that no one owns. Yet, often in military operation, it is in this NO-MAN's LAND that decisive battle are fought and won.
I believe it is the same in the spiritual realm, where spiritual battle are found. If we, the church could maximise the potential in this age-group, we could establish a significant stronghold in the spiritual climate of the nation.
Let me share with you 5 beliefs that ungirded our conviction in this ministry.
1. Transitional people group with great potential
1.1 Transition needs = coping with special needs
They will face problems that people not in these situations will not or hardly face. eg Choice of courses, studies, boy-girl relationship (see slide), greater sense of self-awareness (who am i? who do i want to be? or to be seen as?). Hence, a need to have a specific focus to meet their needs.
1.2 Transition period = more open and receptive to the gospel due to change
Billy Graham crusades recorded that 95% of the decision are below the age of 25 - the most responsive group of people to the gospel fall with the age-group of 18-25yr old. (that incl. ,most of you here). And because they are more receptive to the issue of faith in this period, especially in colleges, we must take advantage of these period, otherwise the world would. (see slide)
1 example can be seen in the Japan Doomsday Cult group; the team that developed the gas, that was used to poison the train station, was all graduates and some were recent graduates. There is an uprise of evangelistic fervor also targeting this people group from other faith. Muslim and buddhism.
This period is also vital to the cultivation of values. If we could harnass and develop them properly during this period, they would pass out of the ministry as an effective witnesses and labourers for the Lord.
2. Effective for outreach
(3 reasons why it is better to group them together for outreach purpose)
2.1 Clear defined boundary; well-contained within a set perimeter
(restricted access areas)
2.2 Clear defined target
Apart from proximity, their needs are quite similar.
2.3 Maximise the common needs and interest
The geographical district outreach plan will be relatively too generally and that the needs of these special people may be overlooked. And also this age-group people has more energy and availability for activities that the working and married people may not have. (major moving exercise for a retreat vs just a bag).
3. Responsibility of the Church (not just the para-Church)
Especially in campus environment; the responsibility towards our sheep cannot be handled over to someone else when you could be in the position of influence (not like when they go overseas; even that it is still possible). i think it is time for the church to take direct responsibilty for its people. i am not playing down the role of para-church, but awaking the bride of Christ to the task assigned by God to us. For us, to ensure that the college students come to church even during exam time, we, as well as the lay supervisors, would work on catering a public transport to transport them to and fro church; even when it is about 18miles apart.
4. Continuity and Integration
it is easier when you have been operating under the same structure. there is much similarity under the same leadership within the church framework and unlike transfering from a parachurch to church.
5. The youth sector is one of the major keys in winning the nations for Jesus Christ
(not the only one, but 1 of the major key in winning the nation)
There are 5 majors centres that influence the nations. They are as follow:
Government Centres;
Commercial Centres;
Communication Centres (mass media)
Spiritual Centres (churches and others)
Educational Centres
The educational centres include all the schools and colleges in the nation. Important to note, most of the graduates of the campus or colleges will move up the corporate ladder in these other centres. So, if we are able to reach them during their student days, indirectly or directly, we are influencing the nations. The values we impart to these people will shape the value system of the nation and even for our next generations too.)
With these 5 beliefs about this age group, we know that our labour among them would not be in vain. There are times of testing and trials, diappointment and let-down, releasing people you have groomed and developed, losing a part of you every year, etc - is not an easy experience.
BUT, we could continue because I know God is in this with me. And we, by the grace of God, are in the process of constructing the church for the 21st century., building great pastors and missionaries of tomorrow, discipling the christian leaders for the church of the next century. Come and join us in this extraordinary venture - life will never be the same again!
(sermon preached June 13 1996)