MOL Network Salvation Assurance Re-Dedication Others TOTAL Grand Total
Men 81 7 14 13 115
Women 140 10 12 28 190
Youth 163 14 34 30 241
TOTAL 384 31 60 71 546
What does these numbers mean to you?
It means something BUT not everything. The greater issue is what are we doing with who we have build relationship. Harvesting and consolidating are both equally important agenda in our quest for discipleship. we cannot be merely absorbed in the numbers and failed to see the constant needs to service and care our prebelievers and new believers into Christlikeness.
So if you are in my tribe, praise God for what He has done...but we need to press on in what we need to do ie continue to build relationships and point people back to God. for those who happened to read this blog, go and make disciples.....for this IS God's commission for all.
Blessed New Year to all readers.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005
praise items for Big Move and Max Pavilion

I am glad we have moved and we are ready for the 2nd service. in this last 7 days, i have heard great reports of God's working over the weekend. From miracles of healing to breakthrough in Christian walk, from feeling of stagnation to revival again. WoW!
i am happy for the many positive reports for the 1st week.
Of course from the church end, we saw great growth in term of numbers ie from usual 9000- (in previous year) to 10 800 just for this week. More than the numbers, i am excited about the change in the climate. People are more excited about God and His business.
If you are there, and God has blessed you somehow, please drop me a mail.
REALLY! HELP me to know what God is doing can? PLEASE.....
Haha. Give glory to God la.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
what is next after the 1st move
We are reminded, at staff worship, that beyond the physical move, we need the personal revival! In Neh 8, we are reminded of the need to ;
Return to the assembly of the saints; promote unity, let the faith of others spur us.
Restore the priority for the Word; one read and one interpreted. the people cried upon hearing the word. the word cleansed us.
Rediscover the feast of tabernacle; what is the feast about? 2 harvests celebrated by feast of pentecoste (former rain-spring time) and tabernacle (latter rain-) - it is about the Holy Spirit.
Thus personal revival - call to community, to the Word and to the Holy SPirit.
We need personal revival because there is a difference between going out faith and going ON faith. We cannot rest on the fact that we have gone out. we need to going ON through Prayer. There must be prayer of Agreement - in the Assembly.
There must also be prayer of Appropiation - Apply (> hear) the Word
There, finally, must also be prayer of Anointing - joy (celebration) of the Lord is our Strength; Act with the Spirit.
The season is on....we need to ENTER the season! Don't stay out! Don't just observe! Jump In!
Specific Applications for my tribe;
Come early for service; be @ Max Pavilion by 1.15pm
Gather for processing of word; after service
Do BIG (believe in God) with HS.
Return to the assembly of the saints; promote unity, let the faith of others spur us.
Restore the priority for the Word; one read and one interpreted. the people cried upon hearing the word. the word cleansed us.
Rediscover the feast of tabernacle; what is the feast about? 2 harvests celebrated by feast of pentecoste (former rain-spring time) and tabernacle (latter rain-) - it is about the Holy Spirit.
Thus personal revival - call to community, to the Word and to the Holy SPirit.
We need personal revival because there is a difference between going out faith and going ON faith. We cannot rest on the fact that we have gone out. we need to going ON through Prayer. There must be prayer of Agreement - in the Assembly.
There must also be prayer of Appropiation - Apply (> hear) the Word
There, finally, must also be prayer of Anointing - joy (celebration) of the Lord is our Strength; Act with the Spirit.
The season is on....we need to ENTER the season! Don't stay out! Don't just observe! Jump In!
Specific Applications for my tribe;
Come early for service; be @ Max Pavilion by 1.15pm
Gather for processing of word; after service
Do BIG (believe in God) with HS.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Activities or the Almighty? part 2
i decided to comment further on this because of my pastoral concerns. i have seen and known of many pastors, leaders and serious christians who gave their lives in service but failed to take time to reflect on God and His dealing in our lives. I cannot help but remembered the life of Martha. She was busy looking into how to make Jesus comfortable but missed out the one thing that is most important! to be with Jesus. She is in the bible not for us to feel that she was a reflection of someone else. i believe God wants to warn all of us that we are potentially a Martha. we can serve, give, work, commit and fulfil many many more Christian's challenges... and yet miss the very heart of Christian life. We are called to worship! We are made for worship! We are destined to be worshipper. Yet, we can be excited about the music and missed the Master, aborbed by the mood and missed the Maker, consumed by the lyrics and missed the Lord (for which the words decribed). Why? How so? BEcause we are caught by the activities and missed the Almighty! We are interested in the task rather than the heart. It is easier to deal with the "no brain" activities rather than to face up with the ugliness within our soul. the heart is not a nice place to be at. sometimes, we are appalled by our heart conditions. sometime, we are so sick of our sickness in our heart. sometimes, we cannot believe we are so evil in our hearts. and precisely for reason like this....we need to ask God to help!
We all need a new heart! Change my heart O Lord!
We all need a new heart! Change my heart O Lord!
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Activities or the Almighty?

I enjoyed a few conversations lately.
they were not about great accomplishments or great signs and wonders....
they were about reflection....................
reflection on our hearts intent. our motivation in service, our struggle with sins, with selfish desires, with lust......
authentic confession. real people. real struggles. real GOD that they were conversing with. WE came out of the meetings, refreshed....we knew God was there with us in our conversation, our confession.
Authentic Discipleship is about dealing with the matter of the heart. the heart of the matter is always the heart! So Take HEART my reader!
Saturday, December 03, 2005

8 more days to EXPO. 8 more days to experience EXtraordinary POssibilities. 8 more days to see more of God.
EXPO is big, we are small but God is BIG!
EXPO is far, we are inconvenienced but God came from Heaven to Earth!
EXPO is new, we are unfamiliar but God's way is always new to human!
Am i ready for EXPO? are you?
Beyond the physical move, God wants to deal with our spiritual state. He does not want us/FCBC to stay the way we are! He wants to stretch our faith to believe in the Big God who came near and dwelt among us.
The option for all of us, to flow/obey with God! It will be foolish to try something else when God has specific journey for us. it will be like Jonah running in the opposite direction only to be eaten up by the whale of God.
So what are you waiting for? it is a time for change! time to flow! time to obey! time to see the BIG MOVE OF GOD!
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