It was a good trip travelling with SP and Ps ES. Learning a lot from their lives of service to the nations. SP was stretched at all ends; from performance to FCBC matters to marketing of the show, etc. Yet, his spirit was always uplifted when servicing the King. Ps ES was back from Sri Lanka and took the next flight out to Beijing just to support SP. He was just as overwhelmed with work and all....but he went nevertheless to SERVE.
I was inspired and humbled. There were many BAD incidents in dealing with the local. They were so different from us. It was easy to judge and feel more superior. But God reminded me of service. We came to serve. We came and understood "incarnation"; God became flesh to dwell among sinful men. The Word was not read but lived in our world so that we could touch, see and understand. The world, the local included, was lost without HIM. Hence their responses and reactions were "justified" to be so. That was why we were there...to declare the Magic of His Love that could enrich and empower them to live differently.
I was inspired and humbled.....by God and His godly servants. I desired to live out as His "incarnated" word among the lost!